Comments and Disclaimers for "Morning Rituals"

A/N: So I'm making ziltch progress on the last part of my Spander ficathon entry. I want to write "Xander hesitated at the doors to Spike's crypt," and instead end up with four paragraphs detailing the miserable weather while Xander hesitates, his formost reasoning for the hesitation, plus the underlying reasoning that he's having trouble coming to terms with and what it could mean for the way he sees Spike, not so much as a demon now but as a person. I figure, another two pages and there might actually be some dialogue.

It's frustrating, so I decided to blow off steam by finishing up an extraordinarily pointless PWP I started a week or so ago. And I do mean PWP. Don't look for plot or character development or even well rounded characters at all. Nothing but the sex, baby. It works for me as a tension release and maybe now I can get back to writing something that I'm supposed to be working on.

Not betaed and only looked over once, so yeah, probably mistakes to be found.

Feedback and constructive criticism always welcome.

Pairing(s): Spike/Xander

Warnings: NC-17 for detailed sex and so much of it, plus a bit of language.

Disclaimers: No ownership, no money, no infringement, no life. Wait a second....

Archive: my LJ, Nummytreats: Moist and Delicious, Step Away From My Xander and my site.

Summary: Some mornings weren't as bad as others. Especially when he woke up with Spike's mouth wrapped around his cock.

Word count: 1748

Morning Rituals