Comments and Disclaimers for "Priorities"

A/N: I honestly don't know how to describe this one, what rating to give it, if it has a pairing or not, etc. I had the scene in my mind, it was like looking at an actual piece of film -- which, incidentally, is how all my stories play out in my head, but in this case, it was just one single, long, drawn out scene. I really wasn't sure I could capture something this visual with words; I thought it would play out better in a visual medium like a comic or something. I wasn't happy with what I ended up with, not at first. But after running it by a beta, I'm much more satisfied.

I like to picture Ian Bohem in the role of Hercules at the Academy, but whatever works for you.

Many thanks to [info]spikeface for tightening this up -- and finding one truly embarrassing misspelling -- and coming up with the title.

I'm not really sure there are any, but, I suppose it might be Ares/Hercules-ish.

Warnings: PG, violence.

Disclaimers: no money, no own, no sue.

Archive: ksares, strife_lust and my LJ.

Summary: The full-out brawl had turned into something that resembled a wrestling match more than an actual fight.

Word count: 1207
