Comments and Disclaimers for "Refraction"

A/N: Another weird idea from an equally weird mind. I just had this...image of Deimos being freaked out by Strife, and this little fic spiraled off from there.

Many, many thanks to Candace for hitting me over the head with the Big Book of Plot on this one. You won't notice anything odd about a certain minor character in this story, and that's exactly how it should be.

Pairing(s): Deimos/Strife

Warnings: PG-13 for language.

Disclaimers: No money, no ownership, no infringement, no sue.

Archive:, strife_lust, my site and my LJ.

Summary: Deimos had never thought his eyes were cold, until the day he saw them on someone else.

Word count: 11,034
