Comments and Disclaimers for "Sing a Song of Snippet"

A/N: [July 2007] These days we call something this size a drabble and I have a separate page for all of my drabbles and very short stories, but back when this was written, it was just a snippet. This, as well as the "sequels," will stay on their own pages for posterity's sake.

[August 2003]
The end scene was a part of a rant about song fic from years back but it was never published, then this little snippet came to mind. A few years back I wrote a series of little unrelated snippets and gave them strange titles, consider this a part of that "series."

Pairing(s): Cupid/Strife -- sort of.

Warnings: PG for language.

Disclaimers: Not mine, I'm making no money, no infringement intended.

Archive: strife_lust, my site and my LJ.

Summary: He was the God of Love, one of the most powerful gods in the pantheon and it wasn't as though he'd done anything truly wrong; he'd just been doing his job.

Word count: 1152

Sing a Song of Snippet